At BAHU, the Vice President for Academic Affairs is a key player to institutional survival and is responsible for all academic services; provides leadership in faculty development, policy formulation, program planning, and evaluation; keeps abreast of trends and changes in higher education while working for institutional vision, survival, stability, growth, and excellence. S/he reports to the university president and provide a connection between administration and faculty; serves as catalyst to create a climate conducive to scholarly inquiry in an atmosphere committed to the University mission. The director for admission and records works under the directives of the VP for academic affairs.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs Supervises:
- Dean and Faculty for Comfort Nwankwo School of Nursing
- Dean and Faculty for John Onwere School of Health and Human Services
- Dean and Faculty for Patricia Onwere School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Dean and Faculty for Stephen Nwankwo School of Vocational Studies
- Registrar and Admissions
- Library
At BAHU, the following are the major responsibilities of the Vice president for academic affairs:
- Provides leadership for curriculum development and evaluation based on goals and objectives including outcomes measurement;
- Monitors and evaluates quality and cost effectiveness of academic programs;
- Evaluates course enrollment trends;
- Initiates contacts and maintains ongoing relationships with other colleges and universities for curriculum trends and partnership arrangements;
- Maintains contact, prepares, and submits curricular materials to external agencies review and approval;
- Provides leadership for the accreditations and linkages processes of the university
- With Deans Council, prepares and evaluates planning materials, academic calendar, and operational guidelines;
- Seeks sources of funding and writes grants for funding for curriculum development and improvement;
- Appoints ad hoc committees and provides leadership for specialized curricular studies;
- Monitors faculty workloads in consultation with the deans of the schools;
- Administers Faculty Handbook policies;
- Provides leadership for instructional improvement through library resources, audio-visual resources, academic computing, and technology to support student learning;
- Evaluates effectiveness of instruction through, course evaluations by students, course prospecting and syllabi, data from personnel appraisals and assessments; classroom visits and departmental evaluation reports
- Conferences with students
- Conferences with faculty
- Gives leadership to strategic planning in the academic area
- Provides input to committees in charge of graduation and commencement